Press Room - 14 July 2014
The best choose the best
The news has hit the headlines of leading Italian daily newspapers: the best choose the best both for daily routine and applied research. This is what occurs at the European edition of “Solar Decathlon,” the competition on the theme of Sustainable Architecture held on 27 June - 14 July 2014 in Versailles, France. The 20 university teams selected throughout the world have built a “Solar Smart Village,” where buildings propose a simulation of domestic life centered on high energy efficiency.
Clei has been chosen by the Italian team from Roma Tre University―"RhOME"―to fit out the multipurpose room. Our Company is also participating in the Mexican team Unam's project "Casa" (Home).

Events - 24 April 2024
Transforming Time
Salone: an extraordinary opportunity for encounters
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